Happy, enthusiastic, motivated, fulfilled, satisfied and valued are all terms that should describe your work teammates. A good manager can make the difference between a business that is thriving or falling behind the competition. The key component that drives success or failure is your workforce. That’s right, your employees. A 2019 study from Oxford University showed that happy workers are 13 percent more productive. Other studies have indicated that employees who are satisfied with their jobs use less sick time and are genuinely healthier than those who are stressed at work. That doesn’t even count the impact an unpleasant workplace has on costly turnover rates.
So, really, it’s all up to you. What kind of boss do you want to be? Good leadership starts from the top and flows downward. Here are some important things to consider when working with your team.
- Collaborate, don’t dictate. The days of a boss telling employees what to do, particularly in an impersonal tone, are over. It never was a good practice, anyway. That behavior sets up resentment and causes the relationship to deteriorate. No one wants to be told what to do. Today’s employees are smart, well-trained, eager and want to make a real contribution. Tackle projects or issues in a team approach. Get everyone’s opinion and consider your employees’ ideas in the decision-making process. It’s vital to make sure your teammates feel valued. They have talent. Let them use it.
- Establish an environment of appreciation. Sure, a paycheck is a major factor in going to work, but there is more to it. Your employees want to know that you appreciate them and their efforts. Show them that management does care. There are simple ways you can show your employees that they’re valued including small gifts, thank you cards and special employee appreciation days.
- Offer fun incentives. A little extra something can really help keep employees motivated. Establish an employee of the quarter or yearly award. Create a system in which employees can recognize teammates for going above what’s expected. Employees can give out some kind of token to a fellow worker and the person who receives the most tokens each quarter can win a gift card or other item. It’s a great way to boost morale.
The bottom line is that a happy workforce will boost your organization’s bottom line. When you need some help with human resources management, just reach out to us at (904) 596-2847.